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Clone AbstractionParameter Bindings
Clone Instance
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Clone Instance
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         * Sets the type or package signature of the relevant
         * declaration in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param signature the type or package signature, or
         * <code>null</code> if none
        public void setDeclarationSignature(char[] signature) {
                this.declarationSignature = signature;

         * Sets the type or package key of the relevant
         * declaration in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param key the type or package key, or
         * <code>null</code> if none
     * @since 3.1
        public void setDeclarationKey(char[] key) {
                this.declarationKey = key;

Clone Instance
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Source File

//      /**
//       * Returns the package name of the relevant
//       * declaration in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       * <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that is being subclassed or implemented</li>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that declares the field that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is being
//       * implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the dot-based package name, or
//       * <code>null</code> if none
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getDeclarationPackageName() {
//              return this.declarationPackageName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the type name of the relevant
//       * declaration in the context without the package fragment,
//       * or <code>null</code> if none. 
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       * <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that is being subclassed or implemented</li>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that declares the field that is referenced
//       * or an anonymous type instanciation ("new X(){}") if it is an anonymous type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is referenced
//       * or an anonymous type instanciation ("new X(){}") if it is an anonymous type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is being
//       * implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the dot-based package name, or
//       * <code>null</code> if none
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getDeclarationTypeName() {
//              return this.declarationTypeName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the package name of the method or type
//       * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the referenced field's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the referenced local variable's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> -  the dot-based package name
//       * of the return type of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the return type of the method that is being implemented
//       * or overridden</li>
//       *      <li><code>PACKAGE_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the package that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>TYPE_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>VARIABLE_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type of the variable being declared</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getPackageName() {
//              return this.packageName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the type name without the package fragment of the method or type
//       * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the referenced field's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the referenced local variable's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> -  the dot-based type name
//       * of the return type of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the return type of the method that is being implemented
//       * or overridden</li>
//       *      <li><code>TYPE_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>VARIABLE_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type of the variable being declared</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getTypeName() {
//              return this.typeName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the parameter package names of the method 
//       * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - parameter package names
//       * of the constructor that is being invoked</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - parameter package names
//       * of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - parameter package names
//       * of the method that is being implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[][] getParameterPackageNames() {
//              return this.parameterPackageNames;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the parameter type names without teh package fragment of
//       * the method relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - parameter type names
//       * of the constructor that is being invoked</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - parameter type names
//       * of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - parameter type names
//       * of the method that is being implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[][] getParameterTypeNames() {
//              return this.parameterTypeNames;
//      }
         * Sets the signature of the method, field type, member type,
         * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param signature the signature, or <code>null</code> if none
        public void setSignature(char[] signature) {
                this.signature = signature;

         * Sets the key of the method, field type, member type,
         * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param key the key, or <code>null</code> if none
     * @since 3.1
        public void setKey(char[] key) {
                this.key = key;

Clone AbstractionParameter Count: 4Parameter Bindings

//      /**
//       * Returns the package name of the relevant
//       * declaration in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       * <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that is being subclassed or implemented</li>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that declares the field that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is being
//       * implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the dot-based package name, or
//       * <code>null</code> if none
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getDeclarationPackageName() {
//              return this.declarationPackageName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the type name of the relevant
//       * declaration in the context without the package fragment,
//       * or <code>null</code> if none. 
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       * <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that is being subclassed or implemented</li>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that declares the field that is referenced
//       * or an anonymous type instanciation ("new X(){}") if it is an anonymous type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is referenced
//       * or an anonymous type instanciation ("new X(){}") if it is an anonymous type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that declares the method that is being
//       * implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the dot-based package name, or
//       * <code>null</code> if none
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getDeclarationTypeName() {
//              return this.declarationTypeName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the package name of the method or type
//       * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the referenced field's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the referenced local variable's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> -  the dot-based package name
//       * of the return type of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the return type of the method that is being implemented
//       * or overridden</li>
//       *      <li><code>PACKAGE_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the package that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>TYPE_REF</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>VARIABLE_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type of the variable being declared</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getPackageName() {
//              return this.packageName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the type name without the package fragment of the method or type
//       * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>FIELD_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the referenced field's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>LOCAL_VARIABLE_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the referenced local variable's type</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> -  the dot-based type name
//       * of the return type of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the return type of the method that is being implemented
//       * or overridden</li>
//       *      <li><code>TYPE_REF</code> - the dot-based type name
//       * of the type that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>VARIABLE_DECLARATION</code> - the dot-based package name
//       * of the type of the variable being declared</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[] getTypeName() {
//              return this.typeName;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the parameter package names of the method 
//       * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - parameter package names
//       * of the constructor that is being invoked</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - parameter package names
//       * of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - parameter package names
//       * of the method that is being implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[][] getParameterPackageNames() {
//              return this.parameterPackageNames;
//      }
//      /**
//       * Returns the parameter type names without teh package fragment of
//       * the method relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
//       * <p>
//       * This field is available for the following kinds of
//       * completion proposals:
//       * <ul>
//       *      <li><code>ANONYMOUS_CLASS_DECLARATION</code> - parameter type names
//       * of the constructor that is being invoked</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_REF</code> - parameter type names
//       * of the method that is referenced</li>
//       *      <li><code>METHOD_DECLARATION</code> - parameter type names
//       * of the method that is being implemented or overridden</li>
//       * </ul>
//       * For kinds of completion proposals, this method returns
//       * <code>null</code>. Clients must not modify the array
//       * returned.
//       * </p>
//       * 
//       * @return the package name, or <code>null</code> if none
//       * 
//       * @see #getDeclarationSignature()
//       * @see #getSignature()
//       * 
//       * @since 3.1
//       */
//      public char[][] getParameterTypeNames() {
//              return this.parameterTypeNames;
//      }
         * Sets the signature of the method, field type, member type,
         * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param signature the signature, or <code>null</code> if none
         * Sets the type or package signature of the relevant
         * declaration in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param signature the type or package signature, or
         * <code>null</code> if none
public void [[#variableb5f044a0]](char[] signature) {
  this. [[#variableb5f04400]]= signature;

         * Sets the key of the method, field type, member type,
         * relevant in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param key the key, or <code>null</code> if none
     * @since 3.1
         * Sets the type or package key of the relevant
         * declaration in the context, or <code>null</code> if none.
         * <p>
         * If not set, defaults to none.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * The completion engine creates instances of this class and sets
         * its properties; this method is not intended to be used by other clients.
         * </p>
         * @param key the type or package key, or
         * <code>null</code> if none
     * @since 3.1
public void [[#variableb5f04380]](char[] key) {
  this. [[#variablebb893da0]]= key;

Parameter Bindings